I met Yoshiko Kondo – the CEO of Cinfinity through a mutual friend. When we sat down for a coffee at tiny peace kitchen, I wasn’t sure about the purpose of our meeting apart from the fact that she wanted to hear more about the Needle-Movers movement.
先日、知人を通じてCinfinity社代表の近藤喜子さんにお目にかかりました。tiny peace kitchenでコーヒー片手にご挨拶。”Needle-Movers”に関するインタビュー、ということでご来社いただきましたが、いったいどのような時間になるか、想像がついていませんでした。
“I work only 4 hours a day” – that’s how our conversation started.
Yoshiko told me that becoming a mother made her re-think her work and came to the conclusion that working efficiently for 4 hours gave her as much if not more results as sitting in the office for 8-10 hours.

“I work only 4 hours a day” – that’s how our conversation started.
Come to think of it, there is a lot of truth in it. My most productive hours are in the morning before lunch. The rest of the day I dedicate to just answering emails, having meetings and taking lots of breaks (coffee, chat, internet shopping, watering plants..). I prefer working in hack sessions rather than 1 hour here, 1 hour there.. It takes time for me to concentrate and then get out of that state and so I choose to have my hacking sessions in the morning when my head is clear and I am not overwhelmed with new problems. If I am to just pick up my things and leave right after lunch, my work in no way would suffer from it. Because I can answer my emails on my phone and I communicate with my colleagues on Slack and a lot of my meetings take place on Skype..
So do we really have to spend 10 hours a day at the office?
Not really. I mean you can hack away for more than 4 hours but your efficiency diminishes with every hour and your dissatisfaction grows proportionally. And I am not even talking about the health benefits of not sitting 8-10 hours a day in front of PC.
These sort of long working days used to satisfy me professionally because I could get a lot done in one day but coming home late at night exhausted me physically and emotionally and seeing my family already in bed left me feeling like I missed something, like I missed life..

For a long time, I thought that keeping a good balance between work and home was the key to a happy life.
Now, I believe that I feel the happiest and most satisfied when the borders between my work and my private life are not defined.
I don’t spend fixed hours at work and I don’t always work when I am at the office. Sometimes I take my son to the office to play at the kids’ room or just to enjoy a chilled afternoon in our rooftop garden. I throw baby showers here and I have my friends’ birthday parties here. On the other hand, I work while I commute and I often reply to emails and communicate with my team mates at home. I sometimes bring work home too especially when facing a tight deadline. I am sure that this sort of lifestyle is difficult to achieve if you don’t love what you do so the passion for work is I guess the ultimate key to this new way of thinking. I told Yoshiko that I am happy at work and happy at life and that work and life for me is sort of the same thing now.
決められた時間だけ働くことは好きではないし、働くためだけにオフィスにいるわけでもない。私は、ときどき息子をオフィスに連れてきて、キッズルームや屋上のガーデンで遊ばせています。友人のベビーシャワーや誕生日会をオフィスで開催することだってあります。一方で、通勤中もメール返信をしているし、自宅でもチームメンバーとコミュニケーションを取っています。さらに、締切が迫っているときなどは、家に仕事を持ち帰ることもあります。もし、自分の仕事が好きでなければ、このような働き方は耐えられないですよね。私は、仕事とプライベートの境界線がないような働き方は、仕事への情熱があるかどうか、これが究極のポイントだと考えています。 今の私は、仕事にも家庭にも満足していて、さらにはワーク=ライフであることを近藤さんに話しました。

Yoshiko’s mission is to help other companies find an efficient way to work and keep employees happy and satisfied. Eliminating borders between work and life works well for my company but may not be the case for others. But I think it is important to remember that
the long hours you spend in the office do not always translate into the results
and sometimes having no choice in where, when and how you work can bring a negative effect on someone’s productivity. Happy people bring great energy to work and that energy feeds innovation and progress. I mean, don’t you want that at your workplace? ^-^